With the purpose of raising internationally well-found, competent and competitive members of profession, needed in maritime sector in our country and in the world, who will work in maritime field; Bodrum Maritime Vocational School was established under Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University with approval of “YÖK” (board of higher education in Türkiye) in Bodrum Ortakent campus in the year 2011.
Our vocational school consists of two departments as “Department of Marine Transport Services” and “Department of Marine Motor Vehicles and Transport Technologies”. Yacht Master Programme is opened under the Department of Marine Transport Services and admitting students since 2012-2013 school year. Ship Building Programme under the Department of Marine Motor Vehicles and Transport Technologies is admitting students by the beginning from school year 2020-2021.
Education and training activities in our Yacht Master Programme under the Department of Marine Transport Services are being performed as practical in laboratories equipped with high technology. Within this scope, our students are performing applications of realistic scenarios in Navigational Bridge Simulators, in Fire Fighting Training Platform, Navigation Lab., First Aid and Medical Care Lab., Seamanship and Deck Works Lab., Meteorology Lab., Safety At Sea Lab., GMDSS Lab. and in indoor swimming pool.
Education and training activities of Ship Building Programme will also be performed in relevant workshop ateliers and classrooms prepared in due regard to occupational efficiencies. Also, shipyard field works will be supporting the educational activities.
Yacht Master and Ship Building Programmes of our vocational school are receiving students with “TYT” score and education consist of four (4) semester made two (2) academic years. The quota of Yacht Master Programme is up to thirty (30), Ship Building Programme is up to twenty (25) persons.
Nine academic personnel as one Professor, one Associate Professor, one Assistant Professor, six Lecturer and three administrative staff coexist in our vocational school.
Our vocational school is fulfilling its education and training activities within the frames of mission; “foster outstanding graduates employable nationally and internationally through comprehensive higher education and learning provided by the leadership of its academic staff and scientists constantly contributing to the universal knowledge production and social prosperity with innovative research.” and vision; “to become a World Class University serving the humanity by higher education and research with its uncompromised pursuit of international standards and to become a pioneer in creating value for the society through its services.” of Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University which its affiliated with.
Prof. Tuncay KULELİ
Bodrum Maritime Vocational School